Hi there, I'm Emily.
I’m a data scientist with interests ranging from social networks to biostatistics to data science for social good. I am fascinated by the possibility to solve real-world problems at the intersection of coding, statistics, and mathematical modeling. This is the beginning of my journey documenting that experience.
Originally a mathematics major at Barnard College, I remember the exact moment when I realized intuitively how useful computing could be. Sitting in my dorm lounge, endlessly plugging in data points one by one to my TI-89 calculator to practice matrix multiplication, I realized I could use my time a lot better if I knew how to code something to do the same operations for me. This was the first in a series of ‘aha’ moments that led me down a path exploring computer science, and eventually, data science and machine learning.
Outside of my professional life, I am a dog-lover, ramen-explorer, Nicki Minaj fan and wilderness canoe-camper.